Although the first aid for spider bite is typically the same regardless of the spider species, the subsequent treatment for the spider bite may be different, depending on the spider that bit you. This is why it’s important to be able to identify the type of spider that bit you.

Here are some of the spider bite treatments may be performed based the spider species.
Black Widow Spider
A black widow or a brown widow spider bite can be extremely painful and debilitating. A treatment of this kind of bite requires the victim to first be calm and to seek medical attention immediately since an antivenin for widow bites is available.
TheĀ first aid treatment for a widow spider bite is to clean the bitten area thoroughly with water and soap. A mild antiseptic can be applied to prevent infection in the affected area. A cold pack can also be applied. It is also important to raise the affected limb of the victim up to heart level.
The doctor can also inject calcium gluconate to repel the effects of the spider bite toxin. Remember not to subject a victim to pressure immobilization since this is not effective but may increases pain as a result.
Brown Recluse Spider
To treat a brown recluse spider bite, wash the wound prior applying an antibiotic ointment. There is no special cure or medication for a brown recluse spider bite, but any signs of infection, lingering ulcer, fever, rashes and nausea require medical attention. A recluse antivenin should be given as soon as possible since it is most effective when given at the early stages of the spider bite or less than 24 hours after.
Brazilian Wandering Spider
If you have been bitten by a Brazilian wandering spider, you must The Brazilian wandering spider is known to have the most highly toxic venom or simply the most dangerous spider in the world, will require immediate medical attention. The bite is extremely painful and needs to be treated with an antivenin that has since been available. The victim should be advised to be calm and quiet to avoid the spread of the venom.
Hobo Spider
To treatĀ large hobo spider bites, start by cleaning the local wound initially before applying topical antibiotics. A tetanus shot is also required but skin grating should be considered not necessary. A doctor should see the wound if the wound bite is not healing or if it gets worse.
Wolf Spider
Wolf spider bites, which are very common in the garden and in people’s houses, require wound washing or use of an antibiotic cream or lotion. A cool and clean cloth can also be applied to the bitten area. A painkiller such as acetaminophen can also be used. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) can be used to control pain and swelling. Antihistamines can be used to fight itching and swelling.
Jumping Spider
Jumping spider bites, the most common bites in the United States, can be treated with an antibiotic ointment after washing the wound. Antibiotics are prescribed if an infection develop from the wound. Medical attention is important if the spider bite or wound does not heal. A cold pack may be used to relieve the local pain cause by tarantula bite. The bite should also be washed with soap and water to remove dirt and prevent infection.
Remember, if you get bitten by a spider, try to remain calm. Spider bite treatment is likely more effective if you are not panicking.